Brewing Tea
Tea brewing is an art. There must be an understanding of the manner in which each type of tea grades have to be brewed to draw out the fragrance, aroma and quality to give the ideal brew. Therefore selecting the correct tea leaf and the unique region from which the tea was picked is paramount in getting the brew that you desire. Connoisseurs select tea from a single origin, single estate and definitive agro-climatic areas. They prefer the whole leaf grades processed in the orthodox method as it encaptures all the goodness of the natural leaf giving maximum goodness to the brew. However, it is an individual preference to brew the tea based on the preference whether a light, strong, dark or bitter cup is required by the consumer. Milk and Tea: Many, particularly in Asia, prefer to drink by adding milk. There had been a dispute since George Orwell in an essay under the title "A Nice Cup of Tea" published in 1946 advocated that milk should to the brewed tea. This raised a healthy difference of opinion between chemists who concluded that milk should be added first before pouring the tea on to the cup.Their point of view was that "colder milk added first to the cup will not degrade as much as when added to the hot tea. It still remains an interesting topic for each consumer to figure out which tastes better according to their individual taste. |